An article by A. Bystrov appeared on the Internet under the modest title: "New cities - according to Shoigu or according to Bystrov?" The author welcomes the initiative of the Minister of Defense: “The project is wonderful. It will give an impetus to economic development in the region, attract the population there (hopefully, representatives of the indigenous ethnic groups of Russia, and not ...) Through the mouth of the project's ideologist, Andrei Ilnitsky, it is declared that the project will allow the transition from the era of stability to the era of the country's development. "
At the same time, the author emphasizes: “In the stated version, the project, nevertheless, appears to be quite local - both from a geographical and a systemic point of view. He clearly will not pull the status of an instrument of serious changes. And the country clearly needs serious ones. Mass poverty and the lack of full-fledged social support do not even allow us to dream of at least a simple reproduction of the population. And the dominant economic system in the country is at least about the simple reproduction of fixed capital. Without solving these two key problems of the country, we will not be able to develop, but simply survive in the future, say, fifty years. "
A. Bystrov gives his answer to the question, what to do? “To work out and launch a really BIG development project. Within the framework of which - yes, to build new cities, but also to reconstruct old ones, as well as gradually, carefully change the principles of socio-economic development towards a solidary social system and towards increasing the efficiency of the economy. "
At the same time, as the author emphasizes, “Shoigu's project has not yet been clearly formulated. And the promulgated plans, let's hope, are just a kind of "seed", and the project itself will gradually expand and acquire new sub-projects, which, perhaps, will just lead to significant changes in various areas of our life. "